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1. Don't have a baby to keep a man from leaving. Having his baby won't make him want you any more or less.

2. Don't waste your time on a man who prefers to text you more than to hear your voice or to see you. Texting is not an investment in communication.

3. Don't trust him until he shows you that he is worthy of your trust... and that only happens over time.
4. If he can only see you during the day—and he doesn't have a 7-day per week night job, you can be fairly certain that he is spending time with other women.

5. Don't stay with a man who tries to make you feel inferior in front of other women. This demonstrates an attempt at keeping you insecure and unsure of his motives... creating an environment where you are constantly proving yourself.

6. Love doesn't hurt. Loving the wrong person does.

7. If you find that you keep making excuses for his behavior or treatment of you, you are most likely at a point where you need to move on.

8. Be sure what he wants. Does he miss *you*, or what you do for him?

9. Be conscious of why he loves you. Is it YOU that he is after...or what you can provide (i.e. your status, finance, etc.).



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