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Google is Making Smart Contact Lenses for Better Health Monitoring

A late-breaking surprise just came out of the Google camp with the
revelation that it's going to start making smart contact lenses. As in
contact lenses with integrated sensors and circuitry. Yep, it's that
time in the future. But it might not be what you're hoping for. It
isn't the next generation of heads-up display (a Google Glass people
would willingly wear in public), rather, it's for sensing.

Many people with diabetes have to vigilantly monitor their blood-
glucose levels or they risk major problems like passing out, and in
extreme cases, coma or even death. Despite that, pricking your finger a
million times a day isn't anybody's picture of a good time, and this
often results in people checking their glucose levels less often than
they should, which is obviously dangerous because virtually anything
(eating, exercise, sweating) can cause a sudden spike or dip.

So, over the years, science has been investigating different ways to
monitor glucose besides blood, and one of the most promising- looking
targets is tears. The problem is that tears aren't exactly easy to
collect, either. Would you rather prick your finger or jab a Q-Tip into
your eyeball? "Gee, I dunno, couldn't I just drop something heavy on my
toe, instead?" So, Google X, the team that has brought us self- driving
cars, Glass, and other "moonshot" projects, came up with the idea of a
contact lens with embedded "chips and sensors so small they look like
bits of glitter, and an antenna thinner than a human hair." Their
words. It sounds crazy, but could it work?

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