Love is the most beautiful and passionate emotion......
When you are in love, the whole universe will seems beautiful.....
You feel as if your life has found meaning......
When you are in love, the world seems full of life.....
When you are in love, you laugh without any reason...... When you are
in love, you do not feel lonely anymore...... When you are in love,
even boring life seems colorful and interesting.....
When you are in love, you feel as if you have got wings and you'd want
to fly with your beloved.
When you are in love, you want to spend each and every moment of your
life with your love......
So feel this wonderful emotion in your life. And make each passing day
of your relationship special.....
Love can be happen anywhere, it can be love at first sight.......
It can happen during your college days. It can happen in one encounter
also..... So enjoy you all, Being in love.........
So spread as much love as you can.
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