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Students quit IITs, to join Idea Mobile’s IIN

A normal guy gets rejected by the IIT, gets
dejected and is asked by his father to work in the not-
so-lucrative family business. Sounds familiar? Not so
familiar from now on. While working at the family
business � a bakery, the student studies with the help
of the 'ubiquitous Ideas IIN and then builds a talking
drone � which gives him the coveted prize all
technical students aim for.

Looking at this mind-boggling success story, the
students from the IITs of the country have decided to
quit IITs and instead join Ideas IIN, which stands for
Ideas Internet Network. The diversity and hyper-active
way in which students learn has baffled one and all.
We had the chance for an interview with one of the
toppers of IIT Kharagpur Sarthak Agarwal.
When asked the reason for having quit the IITs and
instead go to the coveted IIN, Sarthak said, "How can
you even ask that question? Have you even seen the
advertisement of IIN? Look at the confidence the small
dude exudes. First I had decided to join Imperial
College of Engineering from 3 Idiots looking at the
flying drone Lobo makes, because making flying drones
is everything engineers aspire for. But this student
from IIN, who gets rejected from IIT, makes the same
drone, but with voice input. That must be the greatest
invention at an undergrad level."
Sarthak continues, "Did you even check out the look
on the proud fathers face in the end? My father was
never as happy when I made it to the IIT. I want to
make him proud. And that can be done only by joining
IIN and making a flying-swimming-bathing-talking
Meanwhile a group of students, who earlier failed in
their term exams due to spending too much time on
Twitter and Facebook, have approached IIN and
demanded a "Bachelors in Social Media" degree from
the now top-ranked institute of India.


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